剧情: The tumultuous tale of Risa (Bella-Ranee Campen), who runs a wedding planning company, along with her close-knit circle of friends including Jan (Baifern-Passakorn Ponlaboon) and Aoffy (Pingpong-Thongchai Thongkanthom). They find themselves tasked with orchestrating a grand wedding for Arun (Mahir Pandi) and Monica (Anahita Bhooshan), an Indian newlywed couple who hav...
柯林·坎宁安/查拉·博奇奥/Alicia Oberle Farmer/James Morris/David E. McMahon/Lily Aranda/Jessica Staples/Landon Kasten/Mary Ellen Wolfe/William McAllister/Sean D. Hunter/Jagger Woolstenhulme/-->